Microsoft Surface Pro 5 256GB Core i5-7300U 2.6GHz 8GB Wi-Fi 12.3 W11P. Surface Tablet, Type Cover ONLY (Charger NOT included). This item is used with cited defects.
Please read the entire listing carefully before purchasing. The item shows moderate signs of wear and tear including scuff marks, scratches, debris/crud, and worn finishes. Please refer to the pictures to get a better idea of the physical condition. The battery holds a very WEAK charge, meaning the current longevity is not as good as original and is not guaranteed.
The unit likely needs a battery replacement, or it needs to remain plugged in all the time. The hard drive has been freshly reformatted and Windows installed with a default "Owner" account and no password. Jay Brokers is a family owned and operated risk-free secondhand marketplace. Honest & Accurate Product Descriptions.
Jay Brokers is family owned and operated shop. We value integrity and treat our customers the way we want to be treated; as such, we expect the same.
This starts by writing honest and accurate product descriptions for the items we sell. We also take high quality pictures of the individual items for sale, presenting larger than life detail (may not apply to multi-quantity listings).We certainly never have any intentions of misrepresenting a product, but let's face it-we're all human and misunderstandings and mistakes happen from time to time. Whether a misunderstanding or mistake, rest assured we're here to earn your satisfaction.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of fraudulent payments and illegal activity. For your security, address changes are not permitted after checkout has been completed. We take great care in packaging items to ensure they arrive undamaged. Please do NOT discard the damaged item or the original box and packaging.
Let us file the damage claim paperwork for you to ensure it is completed properly. Do not contact UPS to file a damage claim. Let us handle the lost package claim paperwork for you to ensure it is completed properly.
Do not contact UPS to file a lost package claim. Typically these types of items are a gamble best suited for a repair shop or qualified technician interested in repairing the item or harvesting the parts. A refurbishing facility or repair shop. Oftentimes used items have various defects from signs of wear and tear to specific functionality limitations ranging from weaker batteries to imperfections that restrict usage.